Catering and Special Events
Solly’s offers a variety of platters for your Catered event. Portion sizes, and the approximate numbers each platter will feed, are noted for your review. Before choosing the size of platter you want, please consider the age and the appetite of your guests, the time of day of the event (eg. after dinner or mid-day), and if other non-platter food will be served alongside the platters. Retail products (eg. Cinnamon buns, Knishes, Babka, Drinks etc.) can be added to any platter order. All Solly’s platters are made to order at our West 7th facility. Platters can be picked up, or delivery can be arranged (if available). If you have a Special Event that needs products other than platters (eg. bulk product, multiple dozens of bagels and special requests), please press the 'Special Event' box at the bottom, write us an note and we would be happy to get back to you.
Click or tap on the images below to review cost and sizing options for each of the catering platters